The future has not yet happened, don’t suffer imagining it.

We like too much to imagine negative scenarios, which then torment us emotionally: being cheated on, getting angry with someone, failing at something, making a fool of ourself in front of other people, and so on.

Yet there's no guarantee that these scenarios will come true, and for the most part, they probably never will.

There's no point being too disturbed about things that haven't happened yet.

As Seneca said, "Do not suffer by imagining problems."

It will happen or it won't happen. There's no point in suffering until you need to.

In some cases, especially professional ones, you do need to be prepared for risk. There's no reason why you can't have a little foresight.

But from a personal point of view, much of our anxiety about the future is not worth suffering.

And it's an invention of our mind, so it's possible to work on ourselves to get rid of it.


Everyone has an impact on the world


The past is the past, we shouldn’t dwell on it.