Everyone has an impact on the world

The world is like a large canvas, waiting to be painted, whose colors and shapes are constantly changing.

No one can paint this canvas alone, nor choose all the elements that compose it.

However, everyone can add their own touch, adding the colors and elements they want, which will influence the overall look of the canvas.

We have the choice to add darkness or light, violence or calm, malice or kindness, chaos or harmony, hate or love.

We cannot change the face of the world alone, it is something much bigger than us. But at our scale, we can choose what we want to add, how we want to contribute, and it will have an influence.

Shams of Tabriz, in The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak, said that the world was like a great cauldron, to which you can add the ingredients you want, in order to influence its taste.


Focus on the process rather than the outcome


The future has not yet happened, don’t suffer imagining it.